Monday, May 25, 2009

Daily Itinerary

School Day for Student in Higher Studies specializing in Medical Studies

7:00 AM
Wake up, shower, and get ready

7:30 AM
Go to dining hall, chose nutritious breakfast out of a huge variety of healthy delicious options, eat in dining hall surrounded by friends and acquaintances

8:00 AM
Go to first program, Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology, learn in a progressive environment with three of four other students of at the same level, and dissect a heart.

10:00 AM
Break; go for a short walk around campus with friends

10:30 AM
Go to second program, Pharmaceuticals, learn about the process of developing the AIDs cure

12:30 PM
Lunch, another delicious healthy meal, eat outdoors at picnic tables with friends

1:00 PM
Exercise period, go for a long run through the woods

2:00 PM
Third program, Medical Ethics. Have a debate on whether a family has the choice of terminating a brain-dead individual on life support. Discuss the recent legalization of abortion in all communities.

4:00 PM
Fourth program, Epidemiology. Learn about the great epidemics of the past, the qualities necessary for an infectious agent to become and epidemic

6:00 PM
Dinner. More amazing food and the choice to eat in the dining hall, outside in the courtyard, or in the campus cinema, where Good Will Hunting is playing. The option to go out to eat is also available. A wide variety of desserts is available (to be enjoyed in moderation of course)

7:00 PM
Free time to pursue hobbies such as reading, playing board games, completing extra-curricular programs (such as sports, astronomy, art classes, cooking classes, etc.) , study groups, watching television (no reality shows), talking with friends, going for a nighttime walk, or relaxing.


Journal Entries

Day 1: Friday

I had a fascinating day, and I feel as though I am nearly ready to start my higher education. I am currently taking Microbiology, level two Calculus, Advanced Literary Analysis, level four German, Government and Politics, and Advanced Western studies, and today I had Microbiology at 8:00, ALA at 11:00, and Calculus at 2:30. My roommate, Jean, woke me up at 7:30, and I was served gourmet crepes with fruit for breakfast, courtesy of the Advanced Culinary students. In microbiology we studied the effects of using alternate restriction enzymes when inserting the same nucleotide section into a bacterial plasmid. It was interesting, but the two other students in my program are thinking of becoming specialized in genetic studies next year, so they seemed to enjoy it more than I did. In ALA we held a critical discussion of Natasha’s transformation in War and Peace, and I got into a deep argument with one of the students in the program, Carl, which I felt I won by employing specific evidence from Part II of the book. Calculus was difficult today, and I believe that level two is as far as I will go with my mathematics education, for I am sure now that I am not cut out for a math specialization. During Exercise Period I played in a competitive game of lacrosse, and even scored two goals. Dinner today was delicious, grilled chicken sandwiches with a large serving of grilled vegetables and chocolate ice cream for dessert, but I did not enjoy the movie we watched during dinner as much as the one yesterday. I am tired from my productive day, and I am going home for the weekend tomorrow morning, so I think I will go to sleep now.

Day 2: Saturday

The new solar-powered hybrid jet was faster than the old biofuels one, but it seemed like the compartment was smaller. When I got home at nine, my mother was gone completing her work as a water conversationalist, I believe she is currently investigating the recent increase in salinity of the Gulf of Mexico, so she has been working six days a week, but my father was taking a rest day. He is a road builder, not being the scholastic type, he went on to physical training instead of higher education after finishing his core education, and told me about the underground monorail he was currently working on. He gets very excited about his job. After I finally got him to stop talking, I walked to the residence building of my friend Dan, and we decided to go out to lunch then go to the beach. We went to a newly opened Japanese restaurant, where I got the best California rolls I have ever eaten! The beach was pretty crowded when we got there, so while we waited for the next crowd rotation we took a walk along the boardwalk, stopping to get some gelato on the way. The beach was beautiful, but I definitely need a new bathing suit; mine is so last year. When I got home my mother had just arrived, and she was excitedly detailing the decrease in ocean salt levels due to some new program her team was implementing. I took a small nap while she was talking. For dinner my dad made vegetarian stir fry with rice, which we tend to have a lot. I talked on the phone for two hours with my friend Natalie, who just broke up with her boyfriend because he didn’t respect her decision to specialize in cosmetology. I never did like him. I mentioned the bathing suit emergency and the lack of food in our residence block to my mother, and she said since she didn’t make it to the street market Wednesday, we could go tomorrow. I can’t wait to sleep in late.

Day 3: Sunday

Today I woke up at eleven to my mom scowling at me impatiently. Since the fresh market was only going to be running for two more hours, we left right away, after stopping to talk to a higher-ed student that lives in my residence building. He is really interesting, and is specializing in philosophy, which my core education program covered two years ago. I liked it okay, but haven’t requested a similar class since. When we got to the market, my mom began to run efficiently through the neat arrangement of stands holding fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and grains, asking for a 3P household amount of what she wanted from each stand. I walked in the other direction, meeting up with Natalie, who helped me find a cute new bikini, its red, while texting her old boyfriend the whole time. She had better not take him back. We went to the movies later on, I saw the new Star Trek movie, and got back at ten, just in time to catch the last jet back to school. I forgot to say goodbye to my parents, so I sent them both a text message, then read the new book I had traded for at the market until I got to school. I have German at like nine tomorrow, so I am going to try to get some sleep if Jean will ever turn down that new Coldplay CD.


Invitation to TRUTH

Dear Sarah,

Although you may consider yourself comfortable, the fact remains that oppression, violence, intolerance, and stupidity are prevalent and inescapable within existing civilization. This is due to the current structure of society. I have recognized the faults of society that allow for such heinous conditions, and have determined that the problems go down to the very foundation of our civilization, and are irreparable. This is why I have created my own utopia, free of societal restraints, called TRUTH, or Terrestrial Realization of Utopian Tolerance and Honesty. The name says it all.

In my utopia, there is no violence, dishonesty, inequality, intolerance, or cruelty allowed. Any individual proved by trial to threaten the integrity of TRUTH is immediately banished, and if an individual is proven to have caused significant bodily harm to another, they are put to death. Sarah, my utopia is the best place to live because there are no cruel or dishonest people allowed. There is also no corruption of the government, for the people, in essence, are the government. The Assemblies of the People allow every citizen of TRUTH to be actively involved in their local administration beyond the election of leaders that will make unforeseeable decisions affecting the community as a whole. When the people wield true power, politics is no longer a deceiving façade meant to camouflage the true intent of corrupt politicians; it becomes an honest and efficient way to keep a society running.

Beyond the assurance of political equality, my utopia also offers complete social and economic equality through the elimination of bigotry of all types and the establishment of a communist economy with no currency. Think for a moment Sarah, about all that worries you in the course of a day. Think of the headaches, the forced frugality, the gnawing feeling of uncertainty that money, or lack thereof, generates. In TRUTH, I have abolished all of this by simply eliminating money altogether. This is crucial because beyond causing countless worries among well off individuals like yourself, money is the foundation of all greed, corruption, and subjugation. Money allows the media and commercial industries to brainwash the masses, permits the wealthy to avoid following laws and oppress those below them, allows crime and bribery, causes crime, and most atrocious of all, distracts all people from what is truly important, and promotes lack of fulfillment and misery. In TRUTH, half the problems of current society have been eradicated with the simple removal of the thin green paper currently serving as the root of all evil.

So Sarah, TRUTH is more than a communist democratic society. It is more than just the unattainable dream of peace, widespread friendship, and equality. TRUTH is the realization of what human civilization could have achieved if the people of early times had chosen not to be selfish, greedy and dishonest, if our society had not been founded on a tottering edifice of corruption and oppression. TRUTH is the land of real happiness and discovery, of rich culture and education, of love. TRUTH is the truth of what could have been.

I hope you consider moving to my utopia and discovering how happy and productive your life can become.

Veronica Birdsall

The Government of TRUTH

The government of TRUTH will be a communist democracy that will consist of three tiers of power, all of which originally come from the people. The first tier, or The Assembly of the People, is a collection of all citizens residing in one of the 50 Districts of TRUTH over the age of eighteen who wish to participate in government. The assembly convenes once every three months regularly, where anyone with a proposal can make themselves heard, or immediately in times of crisis. The Assembly of the People for each district can only make decisions concerning their district, and none which go against the main law body of TRUTH. The second tier, or The Body of Inspiration, is a group of 200 elected legislators over the age of 25, four from each district, who originate ideas for laws with the help of The Assemblies of the People and those above them. If a law or bill receives a two thirds majority vote by the members of The Body of Inspiration, then it is taken up to the Trigovern Council, which consists of three elected leaders in charge of overseeing actions of The Assemblies of the People and The Body of Inspiration, as well as enforcing national policy, passing or vetoing laws put forth by The Body of Inspiration and making day-to-day decisions. In the event of a disagreement between all three Trigovernors, or in a time of national crisis, the Head Trigovernor, who was previously elected by the people, is allowed to make the decision. Every three years there is a rotation within the Trigovern Council, and one Trigovernor is retired and replaced by a newly elected sucessor. To chose this sucsessor, two senior members of the Body of Inspiration are nominated and voted on by their peers, then and a general election between the two is held. There is no campaigning allowed beyond the publishing of each candidate's platform and several mandatory debates. TRUTH is an entirely liberal and moderate nation, so no separate political parties are necessary.

List of Rules

The Laws of TRUTH

  1. There will be no expression intolerance or cruelty, especially racism, sexism, or discrimination based on sexual orientation, beyond the entertainment of harmless gossip
  2. There will be no violence beyond accepted organized sports and the necessary defense of TRUTH
  3. There will be no possessions beyond those necessary to live a comfortable, productive life, all land and wealth will belong to the people as a whole, and there will be absolutely no currency
  4. Food and other necessary effects will be provided at and open market and/or by request, but a person must not take more than necessary for the prosper of themselves and their families
  5. There will be no violation of another's rights or person in any shape or form
  6. Each citizen of TRUTH that has completed his or her highest possible level of education for his or her career path and is required to work a minimum of 6 hours a day excluding illness, a chosen two day per week break period, and vacations
  7. Participation in the free personalized core education system is required from ages five to sixteen, at age seventeen, specific training/ higher education for one or more chosen career paths is required
  8. There is a mandatory healthy and moderate diet along with a minimum of 5 hours a week of physical exercise required for every citizen of TRUTH
  9. There is no smoking or use of drugs for recreational purposes
  10. There is only one child per family
  11. If age and/or illness has severally diminished the quality of life of a citizen of TRUTH, they shall be allowed to pass on in peace, without great expense taken to prolong their suffering
  12. There will be no intentional destruction of public property (aka all property) or practices that harm the environment in any way
  13. There is no propaganda or advertisement of any kind beyond the straightforward information of the public through the unbiased printing of newspapers and running of the news stations.
  14. There is no religion of any kind permitted
  15. If a citizen of TRUTH is tried and found guilty of seriously violating any of these regulations, banishment will be swift and irreversible

Rationale for each Law

  1. This allows for an unprecedented freedom of expression, and eliminates all unnecessary fear and hatred
  2. This again promotes security and peace, sand allows people to live happy lives without unnecessary pain or fear
  3. TRUTH is a democratic/communist society, and this eliminates all private property and therefore greed, while ensuring equal levels of comfort of everyone
  4. This further ensures the comfort of all people, and serves to prevent greed or unfairness
  5. This promotes the safety and well-being of all, as well as justice and equality
  6. This promotes scholasticism and intellectualism, the pillars of TRUTH, and it also ensures that society will be able to function smoothly, with each citizen doing their part
  7. This again promotes scholasticism and intellectualism and ensures that every citizen is given an equal opportunity at education and also promotes an efficient, well-run society
  8. This prevents obesity and the health problems that accompany it, along with promoting a fulfilling lifestyle
  9. This again promotes good health and a strong society
  10. This prevents overpopulation and promotes equal career opportunities for women
  11. This again helps to relieve overpopulation and the burden on society that people barely hanging on to a diminished life cause
  12. This helps to preserve society and the world we live in
  13. This prevents the manipulation of the public by commercial industries and politicians wishing to be re elected
  14. This prevents the conflict, disunity, fanaticism, and distraction from scientific progress caused by religion
  15. This helps to enforce all the rules and keep society strong and peaceful

Rationale: Utopian Animal

I chose an owl to symbolize my Utopia, because owls are associated with intellectualism, scholasticism, and intelligence, but are also fierce, strong, and watchful, which my society will need to remain separated from modern society. The fact that they have the freedom and ability to fly also symbolizes the liberty and progress the citizens of TRUTH enjoy.