Monday, May 25, 2009

Invitation to TRUTH

Dear Sarah,

Although you may consider yourself comfortable, the fact remains that oppression, violence, intolerance, and stupidity are prevalent and inescapable within existing civilization. This is due to the current structure of society. I have recognized the faults of society that allow for such heinous conditions, and have determined that the problems go down to the very foundation of our civilization, and are irreparable. This is why I have created my own utopia, free of societal restraints, called TRUTH, or Terrestrial Realization of Utopian Tolerance and Honesty. The name says it all.

In my utopia, there is no violence, dishonesty, inequality, intolerance, or cruelty allowed. Any individual proved by trial to threaten the integrity of TRUTH is immediately banished, and if an individual is proven to have caused significant bodily harm to another, they are put to death. Sarah, my utopia is the best place to live because there are no cruel or dishonest people allowed. There is also no corruption of the government, for the people, in essence, are the government. The Assemblies of the People allow every citizen of TRUTH to be actively involved in their local administration beyond the election of leaders that will make unforeseeable decisions affecting the community as a whole. When the people wield true power, politics is no longer a deceiving façade meant to camouflage the true intent of corrupt politicians; it becomes an honest and efficient way to keep a society running.

Beyond the assurance of political equality, my utopia also offers complete social and economic equality through the elimination of bigotry of all types and the establishment of a communist economy with no currency. Think for a moment Sarah, about all that worries you in the course of a day. Think of the headaches, the forced frugality, the gnawing feeling of uncertainty that money, or lack thereof, generates. In TRUTH, I have abolished all of this by simply eliminating money altogether. This is crucial because beyond causing countless worries among well off individuals like yourself, money is the foundation of all greed, corruption, and subjugation. Money allows the media and commercial industries to brainwash the masses, permits the wealthy to avoid following laws and oppress those below them, allows crime and bribery, causes crime, and most atrocious of all, distracts all people from what is truly important, and promotes lack of fulfillment and misery. In TRUTH, half the problems of current society have been eradicated with the simple removal of the thin green paper currently serving as the root of all evil.

So Sarah, TRUTH is more than a communist democratic society. It is more than just the unattainable dream of peace, widespread friendship, and equality. TRUTH is the realization of what human civilization could have achieved if the people of early times had chosen not to be selfish, greedy and dishonest, if our society had not been founded on a tottering edifice of corruption and oppression. TRUTH is the land of real happiness and discovery, of rich culture and education, of love. TRUTH is the truth of what could have been.

I hope you consider moving to my utopia and discovering how happy and productive your life can become.

Veronica Birdsall

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