Friday, May 15, 2009

The Declaration of Independence of TRUTH

Originating alongside the first tribal civilizations that arose in the present Middle East, violence and hate has plagued society as humans have suffered unutterable horrors at the hands of one another. It has become the nature of society that the few on top exploit the masses below them, and in turn these people, instead of uniting to fight the oppression as one, instead turn and cause yet more suffering in those weaker than they. Even the most innocent of modern children take for granted the war, violence, poverty, and constant cruelty that will not cease. Although a few individuals have struggled against it, their singular efforts have proved in vain, and the injustice is prolonged as the majority chooses to turn the other way. The citizens of the Terrestrial Realization of Utopian Tolerance and Honesty have chosen not to run. We recognize the malice and corruption that rots our society to the core, and we refuse to take part. We declare independence from modern society as a whole in response to these unending and unendurable abuses:

The societal prolongation of such bigotry as racism, sexism, and intolerance of differing lifestyles
The widespread acceptance of such evils as war and poverty
The unequal distribution of worldly power and wealth, by means lacking of justice and reason
The stifling of scientific progresses in the name of a fumbling human depiction of an alleged higher being
The prolongation of a societal fixation on material possessions
The pervasive permission of sloth, gluttony, and ostentation
The warped representation of unattainable and unhealthy ideals by the media
The disturbing dependence on the limiting force of fiscal wealth
The steady and deliberate destruction of the environment through lazy and preventable means
The slow loss of meaningful culture through the empty and manipulative lucrative pursuits of the commercial industry
The constant and stifling need for conformity driven by the underlying fear of rejection promoted by said commercial industry
The mangling and cheapening of fulfilling human values
The societal dependence on the suffering of others for individual advancement
Above all, we cite the societal unwillingness to improve the rusting and warped foundation on which modern civilization is built, from which all these issues originate

The citizens of TRUTH are hereby free from all stated societal evils, and no longer bound by modern conventions or laws that promote the continuation of these evils. Our independence is nonnegotiable and complete, and despite the pacifist intentions of our new nation, death will precede the removal of this freedom.

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